Saturday, September 27, 2014



Please forgive me.  I'm in time out from blogging at present.  I've been sick, and now I'm preparing to downsize from an eight-room house to a three-room apartment.  I should be the current poster child for NOT amassing a boatload of unnecessary CRAP of which you will someday have to dispose!  Does anyone out there want half of my crap?  Well, an emergency yard sale is in my near future, if you're in my neighborhood.

In the meantime, I may appear with a new blog all about my ADVENTURES IN DOWNSIZING, depending on how much material I manage to gather.  (Doesn't that sound like a fun read - probably more fun to read about than to actually experience.)

Have no fear, though.  ADVENTURES IN NURSING will return, so check back occasionally.

You may now return to whatever you were doing previously.